Értékelje az Innovációs Alaphoz beérkező pályázatokat!

Értékelje az Innovációs Alaphoz beérkező pályázatokat!

The European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) is looking for experienced technical and Life Cycle assessment (GHG) experts, as well as seasoned financial experts to evaluate projects applying for grants to the Innovation Fund.

Objective is to support projects which bring on significant emission reductions. Eligible technologies encompass sectors such as renewable energy (wind, solar, geothermal, bioenergy, ocean), carbon capture storage and utilisation (CCS/CCU), and energy intensive industries covered under ETS (metals, chemicals, cement, refineries, paper, glass/ceramics, hydrogen, energy storage). Would you be interested to play a key part in a major new EU funding programme for decarbonising Europe's industry?

If so, apply today to become an Innovation Fund expert and help us select the most innovative cleantech projects with a knock-on effect on the market.

More information and how to apply here